Easily add secure
Online Giving Forms
to your church's website

From tithes and gifts to customized event registration forms, collect digital payments (and any other information!) online through your website

Always Online

Enable generosity around the clock

With our online giving tools, you enable generosity every day of the week—not just Sunday. Being able to connect with people anytime, anywhere empowers staff to further your mission.

By reaching your congregation on devices they already carry with them, you'll inspire more generosity, participation, and keep your community informed about upcoming events 24/7.

Simple Set Up

Start accepting donations immediately

Instantly receive gifts via text, mobile, online, and kiosks. Our interface is seamless across all devices, so people get a familiar giving experience whether they use a smartphone, tablet, or computer to donate.

Advanced Form Creation

Easily build custom forms for any need

Customize Forms for volunteer sign ups, events, youth ministry activities, and to sell t-shirts. Whatever the needs of your church, there's a Form you can use!

Create a form from scratch or use one of our templates like prayer request, children's event, giving form, subscribe, and more. Save money by consolidating systems! With easyTithe, you can receive gifts and handle every other form need.

Peace of Mind

Security and compliance are our top priority

We're a Level 1 Certified PCI Compliant Service Provider and adhere to the highest security standards in the card payment industry.

When people are confident with online payment security, they have peace of mind donating, whether it's a one-time, or recurring gift.

Frequently Asked Questions

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    How do we add easyTithe Forms to our site?

    Adding online giving, or any other form, to your website is done through the easyTithe manager portal, and only takes a few steps to configure. Upload your header image, enter the display name you want to appear on top, and use the integration code to link your online giving page to your website.

    Our Success Coaches are here to guide you through the process of adding a giving page to your website, and we also have tutorials available to help.

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    What are some ways my church can benefit from easyTithe online giving forms?

    Our Forms are ideal for churches that want to gather giving information, keep it organized, and save time in the process.

    Donors love the secure giving experience because they can choose from an unlimited amount of funds, store more than one payment method, and select whether to make the gift recurring. Because you can customize the form with your church's colors and logo, the experience is familiar and inviting.

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    How customizable are easyTithe Forms?

    Forms are customizable for all sized churches based on your needs. Choose from a template or create a form from scratch for everything from events to donating.

    When building a form, use drag and drop fields for short and long text, checkboxes, dropdowns, dates, section headers, and more. You can also collect contact information like name, email, address, and phone number. Plus, you'll access payment fields and can place these throughout your forms for event registration, giving, t-shirt sales, and other needs.

Still have a question?

See how it all comes together to grow your giving

Learn how to use Forms and the Builder in a demo.

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