See how easyTithe's
Mobile Giving App
can help your church

  • Modernize Your Giving
  • Allow People to Give from Anywhere
  • Getting Started is Easier Than You Think

In-App Giving

What is a Church Giving App?

Passing the collection plate on Sundays will always be an important aspect of collecting church tithes and offerings. But in today's highly connected digital world, there are many more convenient ways to boost church offerings than asking people to reach for their purses and wallets.

easyTithe's Mobile Giving App is the future of church tithing, and it can dramatically change your church's financial outlook. More than 75% of Americans own smartphones, and many use their smartphones to pay bills and manage their finances. easyTithe's mobile giving app makes it convenient and easy for a congregation to give to their church using iPhones or Androids—after app download, it's as simple as completing a few screen taps.

Digital giving for churches is on the rise, and implementing easyTithe's powerful online and church mobile app equips more of your congregation with the power to simplify and increase their one-time and recurring gifts. easyTithe's mobile giving app also can be used to increase giving for church fundraisers through instant donations, regardless of whether givers attend the fundraiser or are located elsewhere.

More than 15,000 churches already use easyTithe's online church management software to manage their online giving.

Looking for a complete church app? We've got you covered!

MinistryOne logo

With the church app, MinistryOne, you connect with your congregation beyond the walls of the church! Add MinistryOne, the powerful church app, to any easyTithe plan for only $39/month.

  • Built-In Online Giving
  • Live Streaming
  • On-Demand Media
  • Prayer Requests
  • Push Notifications
  • Customization
  • and more
Add MinistryOne to Your easyTithe Package Now

Does an App Increase Church Donations?

Regular once-a-week church attendance — and tithing — is declining.

The Pew Research Center reports that regular church attendance dipped 3% from 2007 to 2014, and attendance falls even further in summer months as churchgoers schedule vacations, weekend outings, and day trips. That's less of the congregation tithing regularly, which compounds the fact that only 3-5% of Americans who give to their local churches do so through regular tithing.


Churches that have adopted mobile and online giving have seen overall donations rise by 32%.

easyTithe's mobile giving app keeps church engagement high by providing proving a simple means for recurring giving, even on days when churchgoers aren't in attendance. In the past year, mobile giving rose 205 percent, and nearly 2/3 of all churchgoers say they would be willing to give to their churches using a digital platform.

easyTithe provides a full suite of flexible and customizable fundraising tools that make it easy for members to tithe, including:

These additional touch-points, working in conjunction with traditional methods of collecting donations, provide churches with the ability to offer a streamlined giving experience that leads to increased donations and donor engagement — and engaged church members are more likely to give consistently. Although the collection plate still has its place in a congregation, the smartphone makes giving easier and is a natural extension of countless technological advances we enjoy as a society. It also can help your church avoid lower tithing amounts due to seasonal dips in attendance and missed contributions.

All this is done in an incredibly secure digital environment. easyTithe is a Level 1 Certified PCI Compliant Service Provider, meaning it adheres to the card payment industry's highest standards. Credit card, banking and personal information is encrypted using the strongest methods and technologies available to eliminate the possibility of extracting this sensitive member data.

Mobile App Reaches Congregations

Who Can Use Mobile Tithing?

Thousands of organizations have already deployed easyTithe's online platform to boost giving and generosity. It's a great solution for churches and ministries to enable increased giving opportunities when people are, well, anywhere!

For Millennials and Gen-Xers, easyTithe's Mobile Giving App meets them where they already are—92% of Millennials (ages 22-37) and 85% of Gen-Xers (ages 38-53) own smartphones. The majority of Baby Boomers (ages 53-70) have also embraced technology — 67% own smartphones. Android and iOS devices are an indispensable aspect of modern life, especially for young adults and teens, with 95% of teenagers using smartphones.

easyTithe's Mobile Giving App is available for free as part of easyTithe's online giving platform.

More than half of all mobile phone users already handle the majority of their banking needs through their smartphones because mobile banking is extremely convenient and easy. It's the same for mobile giving—easyTithe's Mobile App app allows your church to establish one-time or automated recurring payments. Your entire congregation can make more consistent gifts to the church, which allows you to more accurately and reliably predict their giving revenue stream.

    How easyTithe Benefits Your Congregation

    • Free sign up and download

      It's completely free for donors to sign up and download the giving app. Once they do, they can easily manage gifts, set up recurring donations, and more.

    • Availability

      • Get it on Google Play
      • Download on the AppStore
    • Usability

      People can give from the app using their iOS or Android devices.

    • Free mobile giving

      There aren't any fees for donors to worry about when giving on the mobile app.

    • Anytime, Anywhere

      It's easy to give 24/7, 365 days a year from a device people carry with them everywhere they go—their smartphone.

    • Ease of use

      Tithes can be made in seconds with a few taps of the screen. Donors can easily update payment information and frequency of gifts.

    • Tracking and giving history

      Your church can track their donation amounts and history and use this information for tax reporting, budgeting, and more.

    • Recurring giving

      With a one-time set up, people can schedule recurring gifts and store payment information like credit and debit cards or ACH.

    • Bank-level security

      Our powerful 256-bit encryption provides the strongest level of protection available.

    • Powerful user experience

      Everyone can conveniently donate and participate wherever they are, which increases engagement and generosity in the church!

How easyTithe Benefits Church Leadership

easyTithe offers many tools that empower church leadership to better control and manage data from online giving.

Customized reporting

Staff can generate literally hundreds of different reports straight from the easyTithe control panel, including individual giving, monthly giving trends, recurring giving amounts, forecasts, and many more. We make it simple for church and ministry leaders to organize and review giving data and trends.

Full integration

Data is easily imported into popular church management software systems such as FellowshipOne, ELEXIO, PowerChurch, PowerChurch, Church Office Online, Church Community Builder, as well as with church accounting software.

Success Coaches

One-on-one Training Sessions from dedicated professionals on specific features and functionality, configuring your account, and launching giving.

Intuitive control panel

Seamlessly navigate through the dashboard to access tools like the virtual terminal to give on behalf of the donor, edit manager permissions, configure billing information, and more.

Option for Donors to Pay Fees

Choose the option to ask your donors to cover a percentage or dollar amount of their donation to help cover processing costs. This option adds a line item to your donor portal and when selected by the donor, automatically calculates the addition to their gift.

Get Started with easyTithe

No more questions? Sign up today. Looking for more details? Check out our FREE demo.

Plans range from $0 to $49 a month.

Testimonials & Reviews

Over 15,000 churches trust easyTithe with their online giving

  • , profile picture
    Our giving has increased dramatically and it has really helped those who cannot be there on some Sundays to still remain faithful in their giving.
  • , profile picture
    During the summer months, with busy vacation schedules etc, it is great to be able to count on regular contributions, even when people are unable to attend for a week or two.
  • , profile picture
    easyTithe more than paid for itself within the first month of offering online giving. On top of that, our giving has continued to significantly increase month over month!
  • , profile picture
    easyTithe has quickly grown our attendance at ministry events. The ease of registration, along with credit card payments unlocked the door for many more people to involve themselves in our events.
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